Chloe’s intro


My name is Chloe and I have been doing Scouts for 5 years. During this time I have learnt some great skills like first aid, cooking on a campfire and about different groups in our community. I’ve also had some awesome adventures with my friends camping, building rafts and hiking as well as sharing the things that I have learnt with younger Scouts and Cubs.

I’m really excited about the upcoming Jamboree’s and I’ve set myself a super challenge of fundraising enough money to attend both the Australian and World Jamborees in 2019. I’m really keen to develop my leadership skills and learn more about scouting around the world so that I can come back to Kinross and share this knowledge with the Scouts in our group, district and beyond.

The Australian Scouting Jamboree will cost $2,450 and the World Scouting Jamboree will cost $6,950. I’m hoping to fundraise $4,000 to help me get there.